Optimizing Surgical Care
Surgical procedures are essential for healthcare, yet often surgical teams rely on static documents and limited information availability.This leads to communication issues and delays, especially with last-minute changes. Innovative approaches and digital solutions can significantly enhance the quality of surgical care

Applying Innovative Principles to Enhance Quality
Drawing from military aviation principles, such as stringent planning and defined workflows, IMPedia enhances surgical quality and safety. By adopting these principles in the surgical environment, IMPedia helps optimize team performance, reduce error rates, and ensure more reliable outcomes through systematic and dynamic process management.

Revolutionizing Surgical Education and Practice
The Institute of Medical Procedures (IMP) has developed IMPedia, a digital best practice platform inspired by aviation standards. IMPedia facilitates real-time information dissemination and provides step-by-step surgical tactics for preparation, execution, and documentation. This platform integrates intraoperative processes into existing safety checklists and promotes better interprofessional collaboration, ultimately improving patient safety and the quality of surgical education and practice.